If there's one thing that I would love to have is perfect skin. My birth controlled left me with acne that was way out of control up to the point that I didn't know what else to do. It took me a while to realize that it was my birth control that was causing all these breakouts. My breakouts are finally down to a minimum and I just have some slight scarring that is fading now.
author Dana Ramos |
In her book she offers a "Beauty Boot Camp" kind of regimen for beautiful skin. I like that she suggests products that aren't outrageously expensive. Most can be found at major drugstores. I am currently doing the boot camp and I will be following up this review with photos of my face after I have completed it.
This review is one of two parts. This first part is on the book itself and the second part I will go more in depth about how effective the skin regime was for me.
For more information on "The Skin Regime", you can visit the website HERE. There are some pretty amazing photos of before and after pictures as well.
Can't wait to show you guys my results!

Disclaimer: This post contains products that have been sent to me for review consideration.
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