Helloo lovelies!
I apologize for not updating but I do have HUGE haul post that I will be posting, I have just been waiting on all the items. I will also be doing some Valentine's Day looks, I can not promise that they will be accompanied by video tutorials though. I will try to find some time to film. I just wanted to share some updates with you on what's been going on with me.
So what's new with me?
1. I am a pescatarian, which means that I eat no meat except for fish. I have always wanted to be a vegetarian but I just couldn't give up chicken. I was never too crazy about red meat. So I decided to do it by becoming a pescatarian then making the transition to vegetarianism. So far, it hasn't been too hard. I have been making sure that I am getting all the proper nutrients so I won't be suffering from any deficiencies. I have been meat-free for 2 weeks now. I still crave some chicken sometimes haha.
2. I have been doing more freelance work as a MUA. I am so grateful for the people that have been giving me the opportunity to work with them. I will be updating my portfolio so stay tuned!
3. Jeremy is coming back! He was gone for a month and a half. He was on vacation with my mom to DR. It was nice having a break but I have been missing him like crazy! He's coming back tomorrow and I cannot wait to see my little guy <3.
And that's pretty much it. I will be back to blogging about makeup and fashion this week. Keep an out fot Spring trends :).

I apologize for not updating but I do have HUGE haul post that I will be posting, I have just been waiting on all the items. I will also be doing some Valentine's Day looks, I can not promise that they will be accompanied by video tutorials though. I will try to find some time to film. I just wanted to share some updates with you on what's been going on with me.
So what's new with me?
1. I am a pescatarian, which means that I eat no meat except for fish. I have always wanted to be a vegetarian but I just couldn't give up chicken. I was never too crazy about red meat. So I decided to do it by becoming a pescatarian then making the transition to vegetarianism. So far, it hasn't been too hard. I have been making sure that I am getting all the proper nutrients so I won't be suffering from any deficiencies. I have been meat-free for 2 weeks now. I still crave some chicken sometimes haha.
2. I have been doing more freelance work as a MUA. I am so grateful for the people that have been giving me the opportunity to work with them. I will be updating my portfolio so stay tuned!
3. Jeremy is coming back! He was gone for a month and a half. He was on vacation with my mom to DR. It was nice having a break but I have been missing him like crazy! He's coming back tomorrow and I cannot wait to see my little guy <3.
And that's pretty much it. I will be back to blogging about makeup and fashion this week. Keep an out fot Spring trends :).