Despite some obstacles, she was able to keep her focus and pursue her goals. Throughout this interview, you will get an idea on what kind of girl Jessica Lighter is, the brains behind Cliche Cosmetics..Hope you enjoy!
(Jessica's answers are italicized)
I want to know about the girl behind Cliche Cosmetics..tell me a few things about yourself.
I'm 23, I'm a certified makeup artist and I have a degree in Communications. My dad is a very successful entrepreneur and I always knew I would start my own business. I recently got engaged and am planning my wedding for January:-)
What inspired you to create Cliche Cosmetics?
Well, I used to be a dancer and have always loved all things makeup. I did really well in makeup artistry school, that I kind of attended on a whim.One of my teachers was very encouraging and I finally decided that makeup was what I had to do.I didn't just want to paint faces, I wanted to create products too. I started the company right out of school, while in college but didn't have much time to make it grow. Then, when I was about 21,I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to take off a semester in school. That's when I really had time to work on the company and really get it started right. It kept my mind off of everything and gave me something positive to focus on.PS- I'm cancer free now :-)
I love the name Cliche Cosmetics, how did you come up with it?
Thanks! A cliche is something popular and used over and over again. I chose this name in the end becuase I really wanted to create a line of high quality cosmetics but at an affordable price and I felt like the name Cliche really expressed that the makeup can be the same, high quality (but the prices are better). Also, we sell stage makeup palettes also that teams of dancers buy so that they all look the same (cliche)
What is your favorite makeup product?
Wow that's tough! I'm a makeup junkie. My all time favorite, can't live without it, product is mascara. But my current product crush is mineral foundation. I wrote an entry in my blog called "True Life:I have a fear of foundation" that explains why but I just think its a great all around product for anyone.
What is your favorite product from your line and why?
My favorite product is the shine eraser. I carry it everywhere. It's just so convenient. It gets really hot in South Florida where I live so one swipe with that and there's no shine!
What does a typical day for you consist of?
No two days ever seem to be the same for me but a typical day consists of me first checking my emails and answering them all,which takes a while. Then I'll start working on whatever project is up next, designing the catalog, directing photoshoots, training distributors, working on new products, marketing, or whatever we are doing at the time. Then I usually have conference calls with sales reps and then I'll go back to the computer andanswer whatever other emails came in. Then around 5pm when I should be going home, I typically get stuck trying to "get ahead"and work on more projects. Sometimes I'll be at work until 10pm and not even notice. I just really love what I do so much.
Are you inspired by any other cosmetics brand? If so, who?
Ya, tons of them! I LOVE makeup, I love so many different brands, not just my own, that's what makeup is really about- variety. I really have to say that I love MAC, when I'm designing products I try to aim for their quality while keeping the prices down.
What's a random fact about you?
I'm totally a crazy cat lady. I have 3 cats that I love to pieces and I'd get more if I had the room.
If you want to find out more about Cliche Cosmetics and to be on top of their latest products, you can go to their website at and/or follow them on Twitter @ClicheCosmetics.
I'm curious about the studio sticks.