OOTD: Casual Elegance

May 6, 2010

I wore this last week to dinner with my sister and best friend. i was celebrating that I paid off my balance to NYU. Yay me! For those in the NYC area, I would recommend Alberto's Mofongo House, especially on Wednesdays. It's located in Upper Manhattan. The food is good and they offer 2x1 drinks and free hookah on Wednesdays which is why i say it's the best day. Whoop Whoop!
(click on images to enlarge)

blazer, top, legging-style denim pant-H&M
necklace-Forever 21
shoes-borrowed from my sister lol

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  1. I love albert's mofongo house especially on monday's with perico ripiao. very cute outfit.

  2. Thnk you, wednesdays are good also. Do you live in the Inwood/washington Heights area?

  3. Sweet outfit, the flats are really nice maybe you should steal them from your sister lol

  4. Thnks and I borrow them a lot, good thing she's cool about it lol


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